Monday, April 10, 2023

Back on Facebook Again

I'm back. Did you even miss me? I've been on a self-imposed exile from Facebook during the days of Lent and I'm here to tell you that I came out the other end with a new appreciation of time.

Time was at the root of why I chose to avoid Facebook as my Lenten discipline. About a week before Mardi Gras the powers that be (who seem to know absolutely everything about me) sent my timeline chart showing how many hours I had spent browsing through their wonderous social media format. I'll never reveal this embarrassing amount, but suffice it to say the bottom line forced me to take a new look at how I spent my hours. Sure, I enjoy keeping up with friends I've accumulated along the way, but were those video clips of cute puppies and grouchy old cats and strangers falling on ski get the picture...robbing me of more noble pursuits? 

I clicked my final click just before my husband and I attended Ash Wednesday services at my church. Once the minister painted a cross on my forehead with the ashes of last year's Palm Sunday celebration, that was it. I was changed. My goal was to immerse myself in spiritual readings, and I did manage to follow through with some of that part of my Lenten goal: replacing frivolous with mindfulness. 

The surprise is, I didn't miss Facebook. I read a few books. I wrote a few books, well, I tried, anyway, and actually finished one. I slowed down. I smelled the proverbial roses since the seasonal ones weren't yet in bloom. I watched the local news and the thirty-minute evening news, but I didn't read people's comments on Facebook telling me what I should think about the news. That in itself was a blessing.

Okay, so I did miss wishing Happy Birthday to my friends. If you were one of those I slighted, consider yourself wished. I also missed a few event announcements that friends had shared with everyone but me. Instead, I received after-the-fact, in-person comments, "Why weren't you there? You would have enjoyed it." Drats. And I missed sharing my life with all of you. I went on an adventure to the swamps of the South Carolina low country that, rather than immediately telling you about, is now the topic of a future blog.

I assumed I would pick up my cell phone and jump right back into the thick of things when I came home after Easter morning services, maybe even in the car on the way home, like in the old days. But no. That didn't happen. I spent a little time scrolling to catch up with my friends, but the puppies and cats and unknown children hunting Easter eggs, not one click.

I've earned time back and I'm going to savor it. Thank you, Lord.

Catch of the day,


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