Saturday, January 9, 2021

Musings on Words

 An article about Pompeii  in the local newspaper drew my attention to a new-to-me word, thermopolium. Seems that, according to this article, the ancients living in Pompeii frequented fast food establishments that served heated (thermo) meals. Who would have thunk! But proof is in the ruins. 

There is nothing new under this sun, only repurposing. So it's true with fast food joints to pick up a heated meal. It's also true with word usage.

Take the Oxford Dictionary's 2020 word of the year, which turns out not to be a single word as has been tradition (strange years call for strange selections), but variations of the same concept. In America it's "shelter-in-place." In the UK, "lockdown." In Malaysia, "ECQ" for Enhanced Community Quarantine. After all, the purpose of words is communication with understanding, and believe me, these words communicate loud and clear.

None of the above words standing alone are newly created, but combined in response to this past year's event, WOW. Rich language! 

I borrowed this sampling of 2020 word usage from the New York Times article, "The Twenty Phrases that Defined 2020." Toss one of those phrases into the conversation and people know precisely what you mean. Browse the internet and these words appear over and over and over. 

I did read somewhere that the most frequently searched word for 2020 was "pandemic." No surprise there. One year makes a world of difference, even in the science of words.

One that isn't in that meme is a newly created word that hit the internet sphere in the closing days of this horrendous year. "Vaxxie" Combine the word vaccine with the newer word, selfie, and bingo. Vaxxie, defined as a self portrait of that moment in time the CoVid anti-virus vaccine is administered. 

I've seen Vaxxies on the news. I've seen friends post their Vaxxies in the form of holding up the vaccination record card. I'm not on the North Carolina priority list, so I'll shelter-in-place until my number comes up, but I rejoice with those who share their relief at this giant step for mankind filtering down to them. 

My day will come. In the meanwhile, I'll keep looking out for those wonderful new words that will add to my everyday language. What else is there to do for fun?

Catch of the day,


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