Saturday, September 30, 2023

Cover Reveal

It's COUNTDOWN week to launching my newest book, Fly Fishers of the Caldwell County Area, and I'm getting excited. This book has been years in the making, ever since its predecessor (Fly Fishermen of Caldwell County) came out in 2015 and people realized we had left off their family members. The word got out, and here it is...well, here it will be at the book event on Friday, October 6 from 5:00-8:00, I better say p.m. because only these fly fishers would consider having an event at five a.m., on their way to the creek. No, this will be at the HUB, the old Hudson High School Building, on completely dry land, and in the evening.

But first, allow me to reveal the front cover. TA-DA!!!

Unlike the first book, this newest one includes the women who fly fish in the area. We wanted to emphasize the family-ness of the sport and showcase that theme starting from the cover. We chose this photograph of Peyton Beane, granddaughter of Ron Beane who first came up with the concept of a book about individual fly fishers.  

Join us next Friday as we celebrate the fishers and the life stories we captured in the book.

Catch of the day,



  1. Like "fly fishers"
    Love the cover and how appropriate to feature RB's granddaughter.

    1. Thanks, we thought so too. Wait until you read the first chapter. It's all Beane.
