Thursday, September 27, 2012

Launched and Soaring

Finally, (nothing like starting today's post with the word finally!) the project I've put my energy and heart into for the past three years is out and about on its own, flying to places I'll never know about, touching emotions I'll never be privy to.

This book was indeed launched in style! From the fullscreen backdrop book cover...

My very supportive critique group
To the refreshments and the News Herald reporter who commented on it on her facebook page (thank you Cheryl Shuffler)...

You know if a book has livermush in it and the launch party for the book serves livermush, it’s got to be a special book. Congrats to Gretchen Griffith
and the release of “Lessons Learned: The Story of Pilot Mountain School.” The event was like a big yearbook party for all the former students... Cheryl Shuffler

From the many individuals standing in line for a personally signed copy...

A line! I was humbled indeed.
To my covergirl and her mother that took the picture...

Mary Waters and me with Covergirl Beth Ross
To my editors at Bright Mountain Books, the very capable twosome who supported me through the ups and downs of putting this together...

Cynthia Bright and Carol Bruckner, many thanks for believing in this project and making it more than I ever imagined!
And to the photographer who became my right hand man.
Andrew of Andrew Pitts Photography

Add all that together and you'll have an idea of the success of Tuesday's book launch. Through it all, however, I told the organizers and the speakers (Tom, Judy and Floyd~another big thank you) I wanted the focus to be on the community, not on me. I was merely the vessel that transported this fantastic story.

I wouldn't have changed a thing!

Catch of the day,


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